Carbon Literacy for the Heritage Sector

Carbon Literacy is a worldwide accreditation to encourage employees and individuals to take collective Climate Action. At Historic England, I helped to launch the Carbon Literacy for Heritage course, internally designing the training programme - eLearning and virtual for nearly 1,000 employees. The training has been launched to the heritage sector in the UK as a shareable course.

  • I designed the eLearning modules to break up the 7 hours of training, with video case studies to foster peer-to-peer learning.

  • I created promotional materials to spark interest in the topic.

  • I developed micro learn modules to act as quick refreshers, utilising animated videos.

  • Design

    I wanted to ensure the eLearning captured the gravity of the climate crises whilst still remaining positive for the future. I used a variety of mediums to keep the eLearning fresh and exciting. The video case studies of Historic England staff helped to inspire peer to peer learning, and creating 5 min refresher training helped to keep learners engaged.

  • Tools used

    Articulate Rise and Microlearns




    Premiere Pro/ Adobe suite


  • Skills used

    Project Management for overall course delivery, communication and collaboration with key stakeholders and subject matter experts. Instructional design, course design, video editing and course development.